Climb Leadership

CLIMB is an eleven-week program designed to encourage citizens in Johnson County to become involved in community affairs. This program improves the skills participants need in order to assume community leadership responsibilities. Program Expectations: As a group, each CLIMB class is asked to organize a group fundraiser to benefit future CLIMB classes and a community...


Dog Days of Summer Sale

Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce, Warrensburg Main Street, Visit Warrensburg, and the City of Warrensburg have partnered together to bring the Love What’s Local Dog Days of Summer Sale to town! Our Dog Days of Summer Sale is a community-wide sale where participating businesses will have a sidewalk sale, special discount, or promotion on August 12...

Paint the Town Red

CHAMBER MEMBERS ONLY Deadline To Have Windows Painted: 8 AM on Monday, August 29th. You can paint your windows any time before the deadline - just make sure to send...

Lighted Holiday Parade

Head to Holden Street for the 5th Annual Holiday Parade. The Holiday Parade is scheduled to start at 6:00 p.m. in the parking lot of the UCM Multipurpose Building, 500...

MLK Community Service Luncheon

First United Methodist Church - Family Life Center 141 E Gay St, Warrensburg, MO, United States

The University of Central Missouri's MLK Celebration, held each year in January, is an opportunity for our community to pause and reflect on the work and impact of Dr. Martin...

LWL: Foodie February

This February, Johnson County restaurants are participating in a month-long celebration of the culinary arts, treats, and eats in our area. Foodie February is a way to support our local...

Foodie February

This February, Johnson County restaurants are participating in a month-long celebration of the culinary arts, treats, and eats in our area. Foodie February is a way to support our local...

Candidate Forum

American Legion Post 131 Warrensburg, MO, United States

The Warrensburg Chamber of Commerce Governmental Relations Committee is hosting a candidate forum on March 29th, 2023, for the candidates running for the Johnson County Community Health Services Board and...


Spring Clean the Burg

The Love What’s Local Committee is declaring a Spring Clean the Burg from Thursday, April 20th to Thursday, April 27th. This week-long event’s purpose is to encourage community volunteerism and...

Come, Sip, Shop!

Come, Sip, Shop is Saturday, April 22nd from 12-4 PM in downtown Warrensburg. Enjoy a day of sipping on regional wines, beer, and spirits at a variety of downtown locations....


Emergency Responders Lunch

Date: May 19th, 2023 Time: 11:30 - 1:30 pm Details: * RSVP REQUIRED BY MAY 16TH to or 660-747-3168 * Emergency Responders eat free! * Chamber Members: In-kind donation Sponsored by...